
of Myers Park Presbyterian Church

The Board of Deacons is comprised of 36 deacons (three classes of 12 people each) and ordinarily two youth deacons (serving one-year terms). One of the deacons serves as the moderator of the deacons. Millie Snyder, Executive Pastor, provides staff support and attends deacons’ meetings. 

The deacons are responsible for the ministries of care and compassion. Those elected, ordained and installed as deacons will serve in a ministry areas such as:  Prayer of Dedication, Visitations, Hospitality, Grief Calls, Blood Drives, Flu Clinics, social events, Church Friends, etc.

The Church’s Call


The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA) states some of the duties of Deacons in this way:


The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion,

witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the

poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those

burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons

of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly

love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry.


The first Deacons in the Church (Acts 6:1-7):  The office was instituted out of the need of the local congregation.  Many people were being baptized and the Apostles could not keep up with the pastoral care challenges of a growing congregation.  Some of the widows in the church were being overlooked in the daily food distribution.  In order to continue to build community and not compromise the preaching of the Good News, seven people with gifts of compassion, care, and administration were selected to organize the care of the congregation.  These first Deacons set a pattern for service and ministry to those in need that the church continues to follow.

The Congregation’s Call


Accepting the call to service as a Deacon at MPPC includes your commitment to:


o   Four, three and one half hour sessions in February – April

o   Three to four hours of homework to prepare for each session, much of which is completed on-line


Preparing For Your Call


Once elected by the congregation, you will become actively involved in a comprehensive program of officer training.  This program will include a series of spiritual formation sessions along with programs on the theology, polity, “nuts and bolts” and specialized training unique to your service as a Deacon.  These programs will be presented by our clergy staff and administered by the Officer Development Team.


At the end of your training, you will be examined by the Session and then ordained (if not previously ordained) and installed at a Sunday worship service.  After this installation service your term will begin.  Attached is a timetable for these activities.




It is true that accepting a call to God’s service is a serious commitment.  But it is also a remarkable privilege and opportunity to learn and to deepen your faith and to be blessed in countless ways through caring for the people of this congregation.  You will join men and women who for 2,000 years have been called to special duties as the agents of Christ in the church and the world.  We are convinced that you will bring your gifts and your dedication, wisdom, faith, and love to the tasks ahead.  We are equally convinced that the Holy Spirit will be faithful to you and will equip you for those tasks.